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Robo Tradies

Workforce Assessment, Planning, and Support

Move beyond machinery with customised communication plans, training plans, coaching plans, mentoring activities to have staff who are Industry 4.0 ready.

Employee readiness for change is a gauge of how prepared and able staff are for change. Can management expect high or low employee resistance, and why, are good questions to ask. Knowing the answer means appropriate training and support options can be tailored to individual and teams, with the aims of,

  • Upskilling the workforce
  • Keeping machinery running optimally
  • Retaining valued staffImplement a change management strategy suited for Industry 4.0 whilst rolling out tech projects.
  • Enabling workforce readiness to automation in the workplace• Coordinating the employees who are ready to spearhead the new technology
  • Assessing staff’s perceived vs actual risks of change, identifying potential solutions
  • Determining if any specific strategies are necessary to support employees
  • Machine training at the point of machine integration and routinely to maintain staff skillset

Industrial Robotics offers a large range of advanced manufacturing staff support services – talk to us about personnel training and development, motivation, teams, leadership, and organisational culture and change.
